No-log VPN service

We don’t track, collect, or share your private data. It’s none of our business.

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Why is the VPN logging policy important?

Without a VPN, all your online traffic passes through your internet service provider (ISP). They can see everything you do online and track your behavior. Sometimes they even hand your internet access data over to advertisers, government agencies, or other third parties. When you connect to a VPN server, your ISP can no longer see what you do on the internet. However, your VPN provider does have that power. So it’s crucial to know what kind of logs – details about you and your online activity – the provider keeps. If you want to get a VPN for privacy, compare your options by looking at these details: the types of data the service collects about users and their internet usage; the external support or tracking tools it uses; the country where the service operates and the local legal requirements for collecting user data; the payment options the service offers and how these are linked to the user identity.